4-inch Air Filters: The Best Choice for Improved Air Quality

When it comes to improving air quality in your home, 4-inch air filters offer many benefits such as fewer filter changes and greater comfort. Learn more about why 4-inch filters are usually the best option.

4-inch Air Filters: The Best Choice for Improved Air Quality

When it comes to improving air quality in your home, a 4-inch air filter is usually the best option. With more surface area to trap airborne contaminants, a 4-medium air filter offers a longer lifespan than a 1-medium air filter. Fewer filter changes, less money spent and greater comfort are just some of the benefits of using a 4-inch filter. At FilterBuy, the price difference between 1-inch and 4-inch air filters is usually only a few dollars.

Because a 4-inch filter lasts longer, it usually offers a better value. These thicker filters have been proven to provide better air quality and will last longer. First, 4-inch filters cover a higher range of MERV ratings and overlap slightly with 1-inch filters. With a filter of 4, you'll get at least a MERV rating of 8.With higher ratings of up to 16, you can control supermicropollutants, such as bacteria, viruses, and dust particles. You should expect to replace the filter every three to 12 months of use, depending on the size of the filter. For 1-inch thick filters, the usual recommendation is three months.

For filters that are 4 inches or thicker, they usually last 12 months. Pay special attention to the thickness, as it will affect the next decision you have to make. Most residential HVAC filters are 1 inch thick, but 4-inch filters are also becoming common. The thickness of air filters ranges from 1 to 5 inches deep; some options are more common than others and the oven can determine the thickness you can use. Combining a thin air filter with a high MERV rate can also restrict airflow to the point of hampering efficiency and causing excessive wear and tear. But what if your oven's air filter compartment is only 3mm thick? In that case, the 1-inch oven filter is the better choice compared to the 4-inch filter; however, a 3-inch thick air filter is the better choice. If you need a high-purity Merv filter due to respiratory problems, buy an external air purifier device.

Pets, heavy traffic, and poor outdoor air quality can affect how often filters are replaced. Air filters usually come in a variety of standard sizes, and some can be adapted to fit filter boxes or air return openings of different sizes. That said, the 1-inch filter may be too shallow, causing a loose fit that allows unfiltered air to enter the ducts. Most HVAC technicians recommend changing 1-inch air filters every 30 days, while 4-inch filters can be changed every 3 to 6 months. A 1-inch air filter should be changed approximately every 30 days, while a 4-inch filter can last 3 to 6 months.

Be sure to install the new filter facing the correct direction. Look for arrows on the filter frame that indicate the direction of the air flow. The MERV (minimum efficiency report value) is a rating that indicates how well an air filter can collect particulates from your home's air. If you're thinking of using a thicker air filter to improve air quality, it might be best to focus on the MERV rating. If a certain amount of dirty air is passed through both, the number of “unclogged” pores will be greater in a coarser filter than in a thinner one.

We recommend that you buy the best air filter you can afford once you've looked at all the other factors.

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